女王对疑似出轨的丈夫说I’m strong, you know that. And I can cope with the truth. I just demand to know the truth.她真的很厉害虽然也有过茫然无助的时候久久久亚洲熟妇熟女ⅩXXX图片也有过不知所措的瞬间但是她都挺过来了那些站在自己的权力地位上为所欲为的人才真是亵渎了自己的title
Self-revelation, reconcilation and perhaps healing by means of a recount, an imaginary revisiting and a confrontational dialogue with the young self. Honest as to the needs of a too-sensitive but empty child, unflinching as to the declaration of love yet cluelessness of what it entails.// “When I was a child, I was obsessed with changing myself.”